Honey that tastes of the Catawba valley
Store-bought honey is just sugar water. It’s filtered and processed until all the flavor and micronutrients are gone. It’s a byproduct of industrial agriculture, and it’s often imported from China, which has even less regulation of dangerous herbicides and pesticides than in American cropland.
By contrast, our honey is the real deal! Our bees forage in woodland, pastureland, wetland, and garden and enjoy the full spectrum of naturally-occurring florae through the whole warm season. We are not in a row-crop area and have comparatively little exposure to herbicides and pesticides used in industrial agriculture. We find that the pollen that spices the honey is a wonderful antidote to allergies specific to the Roanoke Valley/New River Valley area.
We have a lot of repeat customers who tell us that our honey is exquisite. We don't disagree! Contact us if you'd like to taste some of nature's best nectar. We harvest honey at the beginning of July and offer it for sale, usually at $10 per pound, until the season’s harvest is sold out.
Two of the hives on the edge the garden