Happy chickens make delicious eggs
Our flock of free-range chickens includes Black Australorp and Red Sex Link breeds. They produce large eggs with that special, rich yellow yolk and flavorful white unique to naturally raised chickens. The chickens clean up our garden every fall before being cooped during the winter months when predators are looking for an easy meal. Otherwise, they roam freely below our solar panels. Their food is supplemented with local feed, but besides that all they eat is what they find on the ground and what we send them from the kitchen scraps and garden detritus.
The chickens’ coop has a natural-ground bottom and the litter comes from pine shavings. They scratch and play in the shavings, and by the season’s end we’ve got a fantastic addition to the compost pile. After a year of composting, the litter goes into our garden as both fertilizer and tilth, allowing us to avoid chemical versions of both.
Given the demand, we only sell eggs to regular repeat customers for the great price of $4.25/dozen. Get in touch if you're interested. The laying season is approximately February to November.
When we installed the solar panels we didn't realize what a great symbiosis it would provide with the range of our flock, providing shade, dust bathing and shelter from aerial predators.